Animation - Walk Cycle

In this animation lesson, we were given the task of looking up walk cycle references before creating our own in Photoshop using it's animation capabilities. The reason for this is because the good practice of the principles of animation in 2D translates relatively well when animating a rigged model in 3D with programs like as Maya or 3ds MAX.

The reference I used:

I'm already quite experienced at producing 8 frame walk cycles (played at 12 frames per second, made smoother but more distorted by frame blending in After Effects) because of the level 3 animation course I was on last year, so I focused my efforts on improving the quality which became a matter of doubling the frame rate and applying more detail to the characters shoes (how/ when they bend).

Animation - Walk Cycle Animation - Walk Cycle Reviewed by Ben Roughton on June 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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